With the opening of registration at westyathletics.com, WPS student athletes who want to improve their skills can now sign up for summer sports camps scheduled for late May and early June. There are a limited number of openings so families should act quickly.
The WPS Futures program offers team sports opportunities for students of all ages putting many of the students on track to become Wolves and play for Westminster High School. High School coaches and athletes contribute to the success of the program by providing ongoing leadership.
Basketball, football, volleyball, soccer and wrestling have confirmed dates with registration coming soon for baseball and softball. The summer camps are designed for students in grades 4-7.
The cost is $25 per camp which run for 60 to 90 minutes over the course of three days.
Basketball and football camps are scheduled for May 28,29 and 30.
Volleyball, soccer and wrestling are scheduled for June 4, 5 and 6.
NOTE: Dates are subject to change