Dear Westminster Community,
I hope you had a refreshing and relaxing spring break and will join me and my team in an all-out push to make the most of the next two months here in Westminster Public Schools. It is important that we finish the 2023-24 school year on a strong academic note.
Every day, every minute in the classroom is an opportunity that no one should take for granted. That is why I was so pleased that our district was selected to share our proactive approach to dealing with truancy and attendance problems during a recent statewide gathering of educators.
The session titled, “Connecting with All: Using Data and Communications to Improve Outcomes,” focused on our Attention 2 Attendance program, which works to identify attendance problems early on and connect with families as quickly as possible. Our program uses the latest, best technology to streamline information.
When parents ask me how they can help their children succeed in school, one of the first things I tell them is to make sure their students are in class, on time, whenever possible. It is pretty simple advice, but it makes a big difference.
We are also using positive reinforcement to send a message about the importance of attendance. Principals and schools often give “shout outs” to students with great attendance.
The challenge of student attendance is not unique to WPS. This week The New York Times podcast “The Daily” devoted an entire episode to the problem concluding kids are missing school at an alarming rate.
I know most of us will get a touch of Spring Fever in the coming weeks, but let’s tell ourselves, and our kids, that summer is just around the corner.