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Facts & Figures

Numbers on a document

Data informed.

At Westminster Public Schools, our leadership team relies on data. From curriculum and test scores to bus routes and lunch menus- We make the best decisions for our students based on the latest information. We also know that data doesn't tell the full story. Westminster Public Schools prides itself on offering a learning environment where every child's education is built around what works best for each individual student. WPS is a community of educators and learners, families and leaders, all working together to give our students the best opportunities to become thriving, engaged citizens. 

District Dashboard

Below you will find a robust look at our district and school level data. Pulled from the Colorado Department of Education you will find the most up-to-date information about attendance and graduation rates, demographics, Choice Enrollment and more. The pull-down menu on the top right allows you to view each school individually. 

At-a-Glance Fact Sheet

5 colorful text books


Child behind a laptop

23/24 STUDENT COUNT: 7631

Person with checkmark icon


Blue and green diamond shapes
Circles of colors
List of circles with number and country flags on blue background
Squares with numbers
Blue and green infographics of people
Green icons of money, graduation cap, teacher and scretary