Westminster Public Schools prides itself on offering a learning environment where every child's education is built around what works best for each individual student. Our Competency Based System (CBS) allows students advance to the next level only when they have shown mastery, or understanding, of a topic. CBS does away with social promotion by requiring students to fully engage in their learning and develop student agency. We believe that the most important day in a student’s academic career is the day AFTER graduation.
WPS News + Events
Stay up to date with all the latest stories, events, accomplishments and profiles in our district.
Destination 2030
The Destination 2030 strategic plan is ambitious, but achievable, and we're already underway!
We are the largest district in the nation to use a Competency Based System in all of our schools.
School Board
These publicly elected members work hard on behalf of all our students and staff.
With over 28 years in the district, Dr. Swanson takes every child’s education seriously.
As stewards of public funds, WPS is proud to be the recipient of the Meritorious Budget Award (MBA).
Ranum Reimagined
What sets Ranum Innovation Campus apart is being a multi-generational campus.
Virtual School Tours
Stay up to date with all the latest stories, events, accomplishments and profiles in our district.
In-Person Tours
Whether you are interested in preschool or Career Technical Pathways, we've got it all!
Boundary Map
Whether or not you live in our district, students may apply to any one of our 18 schools.
All the holidays, early-release days and breaks for Westminster Public Schools.
Facts and Figures
Our leadership team relies on accurate data to make the best decisions for our students.