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Safe2Tell Colorado


Suggestions to remind students about Safe2Tell

  • Don’t forget to remind your student(s) that it is courageous to ask for help on behalf of yourself or someone else.
  • After submitting a report, a Safe2Tell dispatcher will always respond with their name and ask follow-up questions. Please wait and engage in a conversation with Safe2Tell.
  • Students can submit life safety tips about friends at other schools, other states, or even life safety information posted by strangers online.

As a reminder for you about Safe2Tell:

  • If you and/or your child(ren) have a mobile device, add the Safe2Tell app to it.
  • Safe2Tell is not an emergency response unit nor mental health counseling service provider; it is a conduit for distributing anonymous tips to local law enforcement and school officials according to state law.

Safe2Tell Colorado allows students and adults in Colorado to anonymously report safety concerns.

  • Students know safety and mental health concerns about their peers before adults.
  • As part of a healthy community, students have a duty to inform others about safety concerns.
  • As a first step, students should always try to talk to a trusted adult.
  • If that’s too hard, or it’s after school hours, Safe2Tell is a backup plan.
  • Safe2Tell is anonymous to encourage students to report safety concerns.

What do parents need to know about Safe2Tell?

  • Tips can be submitted by calling 1-877-542-7233, at, or on the Google Play and Apple Store Apps.
  • Parents can make a report themselves as well as with/on behalf of their child(ren).
  • After submitting a report, a Safe2Tell dispatcher will always respond with their name and ask follow-up questions. Please wait and engage in a conversation with Safe2Tell.
  • Safe2Tell relays concerns to local law enforcement and schools. Safe2Tell itself does not investigate tips.
  • If you and/or your child(ren) have a mobile device, add the Safe2Tell app to it.

What Safe2Tell Can/Cannot Do For You:

  • Safe2Tell does not notify the reporting party of the report outcome. All outcome information is private and autonomous.
  • If you have previously reported the situation to your school staff and are not satisfied with the outcome, Safe2Tell cannot enforce a different outcome.
  • Safe2Tell is not a resource for keeping a “record” of your school or child’s history.
  • Safe2Tell accepts tips related to young adults at a location unknown to you, other states, and other countries. Please use Community at Large as the school/location.