School Choice
WPS School Choice
Westminster Public Schools (WPS) is an open-enrollment district, meaning families can apply to attend any of our schools. School Choice is a process in which students who are living outside of WPS boundaries, or who live in-district and would like to attend a school other than their neighborhood school, are apply to apply to their school of choice. Admission criteria and transportation options vary by school and are also subject to space limitations.
Students who live outside of WPS boundaries and would like to attend any of the Westminster Public Schools neighborhood schools.
Students who live inside the Westminster Public Schools district boundaries and would like to attend a school other than the one assigned to their address.
Application Process
Each year, Westminster Public Schools accepts School Choice applications during an open enrollment window. These dates vary each school year.
Enrollment Windows
- Round 1 for School Choice Enrollment is open annually from December 11, 2024 through January 31, 2025. Notification for round 1 acceptance is no later than February 28, 2025.
- Round 2 for School Choice enrollment is open annually from February 1, 2025 through April 30, 2025. Notification for round 2 acceptance is no later than May 31, 2025.
- Round 3 for School Choice Enrollment is open annually from June 1, 2025 through September 30, 2025. Notification for round 3 acceptance is no later than October 1, 2025.
- Westminster Public Schools does not accept out of district students for the school year after October 1.
General Information
- Approval of School Choice enrollment is based on available space, programming, and staffing at the requested school. When the number of applicants exceeds the number of spaces available, students will be selected by a random selection lottery. Each School Choice window will have its own capacity limits by school.
- When an in-district resident student has been enrolled in any school under the School Choice program, that school becomes the “school of attendance” through the highest grade offered at the school.
- Out-of-district resident students must apply for a School Choice space on an annual basis.
- Students enrolled in a school rather than their district-designated neighborhood school are responsible for their own transportation. If space is available on an existing transportation route, parents/guardians may apply for the district’s ridership program.
- In addition to space and program availability at the selected school, enrollment may be denied based on attendance/truancy and/or behavior.
- Applicants for School Choice enrollment are initially accepted without regard to educational disability. However, if an accepted student has an IEP or Section 504 plan, the District will request a copy during the registration process, which occurs after acceptance but before enrollment. The District will use the IEP or Section 504 plan to determine whether the requested school can meet the requirements of the current IEP or 504 plan with existing staff and program elements. If not, an IEP or Section 504 team will be convened to determine whether the student can receive a free, appropriate, public education (“FAPE”) in the requested school notwithstanding the limitations at that school. If the IEP or Section 504 team determines the student cannot be provided FAPE in the requested school, then enrollment will be denied.
- Denial decisions about School Choice enrollment may not be appealed.
Hidden Lake Secondary School requires that families attend an enrollment application night before students can be considered for acceptance. If you are considering HLSS please attend one of our upcoming enrollment application evening events. All events are from 4-6 pm and are located at Hidden Lake Secondary School. 2024-2025 Dates Include: July 24, August 1, August 7, August 21, September 4, September 23, October 9, October 23, November 13, and December 4
How does School Choice enrollment work?
- How do I get started?
- Do I have a better chance of getting into a school based on how I rank it?
- How does the School Choice process match students to schools?
- When does the School Choice Application open?
- What are the WPS district boundaries?
- Do some schools have a separate enrollment process?
- Is my child still guaranteed a spot at our home school?
- If one of my children is enrolled in a school that is not on our guaranteed home school, will my other children be enrolled into the same school?
- Will WPS provide transportation for my child to their assigned school?
- What documents do I need for the application?
- Who do I contact if I have questions?