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Alternatives to Suspension & Expulsion

Alternatives to Expulsion Plans

  • Westminster Public Schools is committed to helping students avoid expulsion and remain in school, provided the parent and student share that same commitment. With these goals in mind the District provides many students the opportunity to participate in alternative to expulsion (ATE) services.
  • Candidates for ATE services are facing possible expulsion from school. Participation in an ATE is optional. Parents or students may decline the opportunity to participate in ATE services, in which case expulsion proceedings will continue and a due process expulsion hearing may be scheduled at the parent’s request.
  • Expectations: Each ATE plan requires commitment and participation from students and their parent or guardian. Participants will be required to sign a contract prior to officially beginning the plan and prior to the student being permitted to return to school. Each ATE contract identifies program expectations and the consequences for failure to complete program requirements. Examples of common terms and conditions include but are not limited to:

    • Agreement that any further serious behavior violations would otherwise typically result in an out-of-school suspension will be a violation of the ATE agreement and will result in an expulsion
    • Agreement to attend, participate and demonstrate effort consistent with program requirements
    • Restrictions from participation in specified school activities
    • Loss of privileges such as having electronics (ie. cell phone) at school
    • Loss of “off-campus” privileges
    • Restitution or other restorative justice measures
    • Participation in academic or remedial support programs
    • Check-ins” or appointments with administrative or mental health support staff


These classes are intended to educate students and families about the dangers and/or disruptive nature of certain behaviors, and to consider more appropriate strategies to avoid engaging in those behaviors in the future. Students who agree to complete this class will typically have their out-of-school suspension reduced by school administration. Specific details of the reduction of suspension should be arranged with the school administrator who imposed the suspension. BASE classes are listed below:

  • Anger Management
  • Bullying and Cyber Bullying
  • Coping Strategies
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Health Communication
  • Impulsive Decision Making
  • Substance Use
  • Truancy, and MORE
  • To Download a Course Guide click HERE

BASE Basics Training for administrators and supervisors.