Student Services
Student Services supports schools and students by providing different levels of prevention, intervention and resources for students and families who may be at risk of being suspended, expelled or otherwise failing to complete school successfully. Our team is committed to professional practices that promote student learning and success.
Whether the issue is behavior, attendance or a combination of the two, Student Services is a resource for schools and families to respond to students' individual needs. We work directly with schools, students and families by providing district-level interventions and support to students who are at risk of expulsion and those experiencing chronic absenteeism.
Services We Provide
- Consultation to schools regarding best practices in the areas of attendance and student behavior
- Facilitates attendance court proceedings with the 17th Judicial District Court
- Facilitates and manages expulsion processes in WPS
- Collaborates and works in conjunction with the other WPS departments to provide services for the most impacted students in WPS
- Partner with several community agencies (i.e. Community Reach Center, Link Juvenile Justice Center, Adams County Health and Human Services, and Adams County Youth Initiatives) to serve students at-risk and their families navigating the obstacles preventing them from succeeding.
Student Behavior and Discipline
Student Services aims to provide each student the skills and opportunities to improve their behavior in school. Through educational classes, individual case management and alternative programs, the goal is to reduce the amount of time out of the classroom while still holding the student accountable for his/her choices and behavior.
Students, staff, parents and community members in Westminster Public Schools have created a standard of practice as it relates to teaching and managing behavior called the Discipline Matrix. The information found in the matrix is intended to be a guide for staff members to teach and correct behavior. Lesser management strategies may be utilized as appropriate. Repeated acts of misconduct, more serious misconduct and/or extenuating circumstances may warrant a higher-level response. If you have specific questions regarding the matrix feel free to contact the Student Services at 720-542-5097.