Title I
About Title I, Part A
Title I, Part A is the largest federal program supporting both elementary and secondary education and allocates its resources based upon the poverty rates of students enrolled in schools and districts. Title I, Part A:
- Targets resources to districts and schools in greatest need
- Identifies eligibility based on statutory formulas
- Distributes funds based on poverty rates, however, the children that benefit from the program(s) are not necessarily students in poverty.
- Addresses the needs of a school's lowest-performing students and students most at risk for not meeting Colorado English Language Proficiency (CELP) and Colorado Academic Standards (CAS)
Programs & Activities
Title I, Part A funds are intended to support student achievement and growth at the school level. Schools eligible for Title I, Part A funds are determined based on school attendance and rank order. Districts may choose to provide supports and services to increase student achievement and growth. Additionally, school districts may support Title I activities sponsored by the district, including parent and community engagement activities.
Mat Aubuchon
Executive Director-Learning Services
Send an maubuchon@mywps.org
Keri Rule
Administrative Assistant
Send an krule@mywps.org
P: 720-542-5093
School Programs
- A Title I school program is an option for schools with high numbers of at-risk students and poverty rates of 40% or higher.
- School programs use Title I, Part A funds to upgrade the educational program of the entire school, with special attention to providing services to students identified as at-risk.
- Title I, Part A funds must be used to address the educational needs of the school.
Targeted Assistance Programs
- Targeted assistance programs are designed to provide supplemental services only to eligible students that are identified as at-risk of failing to meet the state’s academic content standards, rather than upgrading the entire school wide instructional system. For more information, visit cde.state.co.us/fedprograms.
District Activities
A local educational agency (LEA) may set aside a portion of Title I-A funds to support Title I schools under the following circumstances:
- Additional services and supports for Title I schools
- Summer school if the program consolidates the activity to specific sites
- Pay differential for Title I schools with any plan type assignment
- Additional parent activities
Parent & Family Engagement Activities
- Title I, Part A requires LEAs that receive more than $500,000 in Title I, Part A funds to set aside funds for parent and family engagement activities.