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Winter Weather

Update Your Contact Info

It is important for schools to have accurate contact information for all families and employees. If your phone number or email address changes, please share that information with your school's main office as soon as possible.

Future Snow Days Will Include Remote Learning

This year WPS has stressed that every moment of every day is valuable when it comes to student learning.

Teachers and students should be prepared for the possibility of remote learning by having their Chromebooks and materials with them at the end of the day. Below, please find a "how to” guide to get the most out of remote learning days. 

Given the frequency of spring snowstorms, we must be ready for all possibilities and make the most of our technology which allows student learning to continue under all circumstances.

Your cooperation is appreciated. As we all know, nothing is more important than our children’s education and future.

If conditions dictate a two-hour delayed start, that remains an option.


Delayed Start

Westminster Public Schools (WPS) has joined other Adams County school districts in adding a two-hour delayed start as an option on days when snowy weather conditions make for a dangerous morning commute. In the past, WPS closed the district and schools for the entire day.

On days where a delayed start is called, the formula is simple — add two hours to all bus and school start schedules, and dismissal times will remain the same.

“This is the ideal solution because it balances our highest priority, which is safety for our children with the desire to have students in the classroom every minute possible,” said Superintendent Dr. Gotto. “As in the past, we will coordinate with the other school districts in Adams County so we will have a unified message.”

See the guidelines for a delayed start to the right. As always, parents have the final say on whether they want their children to travel to school on inclement weather days.

How will I be notified of a delayed start?

  • The decision to close schools or to open with a delayed start will be communicated as early as possible, but no later than 5:30 a.m.
  • If the decision is made for a two-hour delayed start, but worsening weather requires the closure of schools, an announcement will be made by 8 a.m.
  • As in the past, parents and employees will receive a phone call and email in the early morning. Information will also be shared with local TV stations and posted on the WPS and all school social media pages.


  • Students arrive at the bus stop two hours later than your normal scheduled time
  • Morning preschool programs will be cancelled
  • Afternoon preschool programs will remain on a normal schedule
  • Afternoon Westminster High School B session will remain on a normal schedule
  • Breakfast programs will not be provided, however, lunch will be provided
  • Before-school programs will be cancelled
  • Extracurricular field trips scheduled for the day will be cancelled
  • After-school athletic programs will maintain normal schedules unless otherwise notified
  • Early Learning Center will begin at 9:15 a.m.


  • Maintenance, operations, and key auxiliary staff will report as directed to ensure facilities, parking lots and other areas are safe for school to open
  • Administrators will attempt to arrive as close to normal times as possible
  • Teaching staff will report one hour after the regularly scheduled start time
  • Non-teaching staff will report one hour after regularly scheduled start time
  • Schools will identify key staff to be on hand to provide supervision for students who are dropped off early by families
    • Note: This will not be custodial staff, who will be needed to prepare the building for student and staff arrival.
close up image of  snow on a tree branch