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Risk Management

Westminster Public Schools uses the Risk Management Fund to account for risk and insurance management related activities; specifically, for the purchase of commercial insurance to protect against the exposure risks associated with losses related to torts; theft of; damage to and destruction of assets; errors and omissions; injuries to employees; and natural disasters.

  Risk Management includes:

Student Accidents

The safety and welfare of students is the primary concern when an accident occurs. Administering any first aid and contacting emergency agencies should be the first action taken.

The Student Accident Report Form needs to be used to document the incident. The school administrator of the location the accident occurs should always be notified of all student accidents. If the incident is serious, the school should notify the Chief Operating Officer or the Operations administrative assistant.

Notice of Loss

Notice of Loss claims are losses that include:

  • burglary
  • vandalism
  • damage to WPS property

Financial Services must be notified immediately of all incidents of loss by submitting a completed District Property Notice of Loss Form. All losses under $1,000 will not be covered by the insurance fund but by the department or school budget due to limited budget availability.


