Contracts & Payments
Contracts & Payments
Upon approval of an application, the applicant will be issued a Facility Use Contract and Invoice. Full payment must be made five (5) business days prior to the first event date. Contracts not paid in full five days prior to the first event date will be canceled.
We currently accept payment in the form of cash, check or credit card (Visa, Master Card and Discover are accepted). A convenience fee that is 3% of your total transaction amount will be assessed when paying by credit card. To make an online payment, click on the “Make a Payment” option to the left. Users will need to know their contact number and invoice number to submit an online payment. We strongly recommend that users do not advertise their event until a facility use contract has been executed.
Changes & Cancellations
Changes to a single-meeting contract must be made at least 24 hours prior to use, in writing, to the Facility Use Office. If the contract is for more than one meeting, five (5) days’ notice must be given in writing. All changes will be assessed a $15 fee per change and will be added to the invoice. Any full contract cancellation will be assessed a $25 cancellation fee.
Insurance Notice
All groups must submit a current liability insurance certificate at the same time an application is submitted. Westminster Public Schools' property and general liability insurance policies do not provide coverage to external organizations using school facilities. Westminster Public Schools must be listed as additionally insured on the certificate, and all groups are required to carry a minimum of $1,000,000 in commercial general liability insurance.
Holidays, School Cancellations & Closures
All holidays recognized on the WPS official school calendar are considered district closure days and facility rentals will not be allowed on those days. Each year WPS evaluates its calendar and if the decision is made to enact a district-wide closure between the Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day time frame, facility rentals will not be allowed during this period.
All WPS facilities are closed, and all contracts voided, when the superintendent, due to inclement weather or for other reasons, declares an emergency closure. Examples of such cancellations and closures include but are not limited to:
- inclement weather
- hazardous conditions
- crisis or emergency-related events
Weather related school cancellations and closure information is available on the homepage at and on local television and radio broadcasts.