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District Accountability Advisory Council

WPS District Accountability Advisory Council (DAAC)

If you want to learn more about WPS, meet a variety of district officials, share information with your school community and get to know engaged parents from schools across the District, we hope you consider applying for the 2024-2025 WPS District Accountability Advisory Council (DAAC).

WPS DAAC will allow you and other community members to expand your knowledge of our District’s mission, operations, and strategic priorities. You will leave the program with a solid understanding of the business and governance side of the educational system, providing you with the leadership skills to be a more engaged community member. This invaluable learning opportunity will allow the District to hear from you and the community. 

We are accepting applications now until August 25, 2024 at 11:59 PM. Depending on the applicant pool size, all applicants may not be accepted into this year’s program. Every effort will be made to ensure that all parents are provided an opportunity to become engaged in their school or District.


ryan mccoy


Ryan McCoy

Executive Director, Post-Secondary and Workforce Readiness